Sunday, November 30, 2008

A great weekend

I had the best thanksgiving weekend! To start it off I got to be a part of the annual Turkey trot and I did the 6 miles in 1 hour and 35 minutes which I think is pretty good since that was mainly walking. I had wanted to finish in no more than 1 hour and 45 minutes so I shaved 10 minutes off my time. Elisa walked with me so we got to talk the whole time which was great, we always have things to talk about.
The rest of the day was making dinner, eating, and spending time with family which is my most favorite pastime in the world.
The rest of the weekend was just laid back, hanging out, eating, visiting...I can't think of anything I enjoy more than to just spend time with my family. I got to sing karioki at Danielle's Friday night and we had so much fun! Elisa, Mom and I hung out all day Sat. not doing much but it didn't matter!
I can't wait to be in Redding and have more times like that, I will never take it for granted!